MRCP 1 Masterclass
In our experience, the majority of MRCP 1 candidates use the ‘conventional approach’ of preparing for the exam by practicing MCQs and studying from a theory book or notes. However, the pass rate (at the time of writing this) is only 38% for international centres and 46.6% for UK centres. The MRCP 1 Masterclass has, to date, a 100% pass rate. Even those who previously failed the exam, have always passed on their first attempt after completing the MRCP 1 Masterclass Programme.

This tells you that the ‘conventional approach’, outlined above, is insufficient to pass the exam. The MRCP 1 Masterclass Programme was created to address this need.
In our experience, the ‘conventional approach’ does not always work for everyone, for several reasons:
- A question bank may tell you what the correct answer is (for a particular MCQ) but will not be able to tell you where, in your own particular thought process, you went wrong. So how can you avoid making the same mistake again in the exam?
- A question bank will not be able to identify where your knowledge gaps are for a particular MCQ topic. This leaves you vulnerable in the real exam.
- Question banks cannot cover every topic in the exam syllabus, with an MCQ (or MCQs) on every possible aspect of each topic. Such question banks thus risk leaving you with even larger gaps in your knowledge, making you more vulnerable in the real exam.
- The Royal College question bank contains a vast number of questions. So, the chances of questions from past papers being repeated are extremely low.
Our experience is consistent with the published research evidence in the field of medical education:
- Studying with another candidate (‘peer-assisted learning’ or ‘PAL’) has a higher success rate than independent study (‘studying on your own’).
- Studying under the guidance of a specialist in the field such as Consultant Physician (‘expert-assisted learning’ or ‘EAL’) has a higher success rate than PAL.
- EAL plus PAL has a higher success rate than EAL alone.
We therefore recommend the following general approach:
- PRE-SESSION: Prepare, using resources (as guided by the lecturer/professor), in advance of live teaching sessions.
- IN-SESSION: Attend live teaching sessions, delivered by the lecturer/professor. He/she can improve your exam technique, identify flaws in your thought processes and recognise/fill any gaps in your knowledge.
- POST-SESSION: After each live teaching session, spend time with a partner candidate – practice MCQs and quiz each other on knowledge. Any MCQs you get wrong, discuss them with your study partner and, if they cannot explain why you got it wrong, raise them with the lecturer/professor.
The MRCP 1 Masterclass is a form of ‘Expert-Assisted Learning’ (EAL).
It is a small-group, classroom style teaching programme, delivered by a Senior Consultant or Professor. It gives personalised attention and mentoring at the hands of teaching faculty who all have at least 25 years or more experience in the field of Medicine and are Fellows of at least one of the Royal Colleges.
Content and structure of the Programme.
The entire Programme is taught in 7 themed blocks. Each block covers one or more subjects found in the MRCP syllabus. How much time is dedicated to each subject is adjusted according to the participant needs. The entire programme is delivered via live (online using Zoom) Consultant-led teaching on Sunday evenings.

Participation in the programme is by invitation only. Each application is considered on its own merit. Only a limited number of doctors are invited to participate per class.
How to enrol
Click the “BOOK THIS COURSE” button at the top of this webpage if you would like to be considered for a seat on the Masterclass Programme. This will take you to an application form but will not take any payment from you.
We review all applications and consider them on a case-by-case merit. If your application is successful, you will be sent the necessary payment link before taking up the seat and starting your participation on the MRCP 1 Masterclass Programme.
If you have not heard from us within 1 week of making your online application, you may assume your application has been unsuccessful on this occasion.
Talk to us live via Telegram: or email us on: