MPGENE02.02 – DNA sequencing

Use our 4-step WRAP approach to get the most out of this lesson: Watch, Review, Assess and Practice.

How to Study this Lesson

  1. Knowledge and Understanding
    • Watch, listen and learn – play the video clip(s) and let the expert(s) guide you through the key concepts.
    • Review and reflect – read the notes provided: they contain the ‘take home messages’ for this lesson.
    • Assess yourself – go through the learning objectives and, without looking at the notes or any other resources, see if you can explain (to yourself or, ideally, to a study partner) the core knowledge behind each learning objective. If you are unable to do so for all objectives, watch the video clip(s) again.
  2. Reasoning and Application
    • Put into practice what you have learned – answer the questions in the practice quiz to see if you can reason through them and apply the knowledge you have gained. If you answer any questions incorrectly in the practice quiz, we strongly advise that you restart this lesson. There is no point in moving on to the next lesson if you do not fully understand this lesson (as each lesson ‘builds on’ the knowledge and understanding gained in the previous lessons).

If you successfully complete all 4 steps, then it’s a WRAP! End of lesson…

Watch, listen and learn

Review and reflect

Assess yourself

Undertake the following tasks, to assess your level of knowledge and understanding:

  1. Distinguish between categorical and numerical data
  2. Describe different types of categorical and numerical data
  3. Explain the meaning of the terms: percentage, ratio, quotient, rate, score
  4. Explain what is meant by the following terms: censored data, imputation